At ExperCare we appreciate the concerns surrounding the costs of care provisions, that is why we have provided some information regarding some of your options below. If you feel your questions have not been answered, don’t worry we may still be able to help you!.
If you are privately funded, you are responsible for paying the costs of your care provisions, this is usually the case where you have savings more than £50,000 in the bank. Unfortunately the local Authority in most cases will not intervene or provide any financial assistance until you reach roughly £20,000, however they may offer partial funding. Privately funding your own care can cause financial pressures, however there are benefits you maybe entitled to, to support you as well as other ways to release funding. Talk to our team who are able to provide further information.
We accept Local Authority funding arrangements at ExperCare, should you feel you are in need of care provisions, you will need to contact your local authority adult social care and request what’s generally called a ‘care needs assessment'. This is where a social worker will be allocated to you, to complete an assessment of your requirements and determine the best care provisions for you. In majority of assessments, they will determine an outcome of homecare hourly visits, or care home requirements, however – these are not your only options. You can argue that 24 hour Live-In Care is best for you, if you are wishing to remain in your own surroundings and in need of 24/7 support. The local Authority care home funding rate is approximately £900 per week, our Live-In Care fees start from £1100 per week, therefore it maybe expected that you cover the additional costs in order to receive Live-In Care. There are benefits available to help you. Direct payments are also an option from the local authority, this is where the local authority pay the costs of care to you, and you are responsible for paying the care provider the fees.
Please call our team for more friendly advice if this is the option you wish to consider.
We accept CHC funding arrangements, similar process to the Local Authority funding, however care costs are covered by the NHS rather than your local authority. Again, usually in these circumstances, you will need to contact your local authority adult social care department and request a 'care needs assessment' should you not already be in receipt of funding from the NHS. A social worker will complete a care need’s assessment and may determine that your care needs should be paid for by the NHS – usually due to the type of illness or disability you have been diagnosed with. If the social worker feels this is the case, they will apply for funding of care to be provided by the areas health board, however this will should not cause any delay in the care provisions commencing as the local authority normally provide funding in the interim.
Should you wish to receive care from ExperCare and your care provisions are funded for you, You will need to express your wishes to the social worker, otherwise they may source your care with another approved care provider within your jurisdiction.
There maybe other ways to fund your care, if you wish to discuss your options or gain further advice, please contact our team.
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