Complaints can be received either verbally or in writing from a Service User or, someone acting on their behalf with the Service Users consent, or someone acting on behalf of a Service User who is unable to represent their own interests.
We respect the fact that Service Users have the right to complain about any aspect of their care. All complaints are taken seriously and recorded on individual forms in the complaints book. All relevant information will be collected to ensure that the complaint is dealt with quickly and efficiently. The information will include who has initiated the complaint, whether it be an individual, their representative, a health professional or a staff member. Who the complaint was made to, the actions taken to resolve the issue and the outcome of the complaint. Any individual making a complaint will be treated with respect and listened too. They will not suffer any victimisation or any other disadvantage. There will be no reduction or withdrawal of services because of a complaint. As a company we believe complaints can be beneficial and assist in ensuring all positive outcomes are achieved.
We will ensure that they and everyone involved in an individual’s care i.e., family, advocate and professionals receive a copy of the complaint’s procedure upon request, upon commencement of care, our statement of Purpose covers complaints in brief detail, we will inform them how to proceed with any such complaint and how to receive a copy of the complaint policy, this complaints policy is also readily available on our website
Complaints should be submitted as soon as possible, and within 12 months of the incident or concern raised. The time limit can be waived if it is still practically possible to investigate the complaint or the complainant can demonstrate reasonable cause for delay in making the complaint. The Registered Manager or Responsible Individual will notify relevant services/regulators of any complaints.
Consent, where possible will be gained from the complainant if it is necessary to share information during an investigation.
We aim to maintain full confidentiality whilst completing an investigation however if the investigation highlights a safeguarding issue this will take priority.
All complaints will be investigated following the four stages:
Stage 1:
Management and staff will make every effort to resolve the complaint informally.
Actions for this will include the Registered Manager meeting with the complainant to discuss their concerns.
If the concerns can be resolved at this level with all parties agreeing, the complaint will be written up with agreed actions put in place for those concerned. The complaint would then be closed.
Stage 2:
If the matter cannot be resolved at Stage 1, the complaint will be logged, and an acknowledgement of the complaint will be made within 7 working days with details including:
· An invitation to meet and discuss the complaint – the Service User can involve their advocate, social worker, family.
· Who will be investigating the complaint
· What the investigation will focus on
· A time limit for the investigation to be concluded – usually 14 days but this can be extended up to 28 days dependant on the complaint.
· Should they be required, details will be provided of independent advocacy services eg Advocacy Matters Wales, how they can be contacted and used to support the resident to follow through their complaint.
Stage 3:
Following full investigation, if we believe disciplinary action is required this will be undertaken by the Registered Manager / Responsible Individual. Any changes of procedures that are required will be implemented.
A written response will be formalised and sent to the complainant that will include:
· A summary of the issue from the complainant
· Evidence and sources consulted to investigate.
· Presentation of findings for each issue
· Conclusion – whether the complaint has been ‘upheld’ or ‘not upheld’ and an explanation as to why.
· Any remedial action or lessons learnt arising from the investigation.
· An apology where the issue is upheld where failings have been identified.
· Reference to contacts for the complainant if they are not satisfied with the outcome – Local Government/Public Services Ombudsman
· Signed by the responsible person completing the investigation and outcome.
Stage 4:
Once a satisfactory outcome is reached, the case will be closed.
Records of all complaints will be audited by the Registered Manager/ Responsible Individual to look at any trends that may appear.
The Service User and/or their advocate may also contact CIW if they wish to report a concern; CIW are not a complaints agency and they do not investigate individual complaints, however they may look at concerns raised in line with its own procedures.
Contacts for complaints:
Responsible Individual
Nathan Brewer-Magrin
Where you are not happy with response to your complaint
You can escalate your complaint to the local authority,
The Vale Of Glamorgan Council
Tel: 01446 700111
Email: to complain to the regulating body - Care Inspectorate Wales.
The Local Government Ombudsmen
The local ombudsmen provides a free, independent service. Their advice team can be contacted for information and advice or to register your complaint you can contact them on:
Telephone: 0300 061 0614
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ExperCare Ltd is a registered company in England and Wales company number 15457732